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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  February 23, 2013 6:00am-8:00am EST

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3 more winter weather.. causing avoc in thh u-s. f weecan expect snow... or & just ore rain thissweeeend. 3 new hope in the fight 3 new drug being rollee out.. and when it will be availaale 3 3 33 3&p3 3 ááaadib over ááadlib over weather shhtáá
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3 dattááchht wiih tonyáá &p
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3 ,3 the middwst is 3 that system isn't done et. mostly rain... mike ttbii northeast are bracing for a third weekend of snow. snow.
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3 a massive wintee sttrm -- moving over the great lakes... after rrcking several statessacrrss tte midwwstt the storm dumped 17 inches of snow in hays, kansas. nd parts of okkahoma, misssuri and nnbraska had more than a foot pf snow. drivers accoss the region -- struggling to control theer vehicles. mos11 sayss "i am very uppettiig... says: "i hink people pnderestimattd the amount of snow we were gonna get. and 3 thoughh they could make it to - work and tt and from work, and that's what happenss" the storr -- forcing airlines to cancel hndreds of flights at ccicago's airports. and inndetroit... the morning commutt -- becoming a piggttare. dinnell saas: peveey storr has its own pprsonality... ... throughout the day." eanwhile, new england ---noo also bracingg por a winter torm... forrthh - áthirdá
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weekend in a row áthisá storm ... eading - toward tte northhast... fter dumping heavy rain in thh -3 south. the natiooal weather service -- issuing a winter storm watch forr 3 reeion. boston iss -3 expected to get four to eight inches of snow. forecasters saying... wet now could bring ddwn many trre & brancces on ppwer lines. ((on cam tag)) although the storm caasee many probllms here in thh midwest... it regioo ii dealiig with its worst drought in decaads. innomahaa nebraska, ike tobin, foxxnews. when seveee weather hitt... be -3 sure to go to ouu wwbsite foxbaltimmre dot ccm. tracc 3 interactive radar. we have it acttve right now on our 3 3 the full state senate will take up governor o'malley's gun control bill nnxt week. a senate apppoval laae thursday night. night.the governor's ill survived virtuaalyy the sale ofseveral semi- &pautomatic weaaons...and a limit on hoowmuchhammunitton can be held by magazinns. and those who bby nee handguns... pould sttlllhave tt obtain a
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liceese...and get... fingerprinted. 3(frooh) "the licensing provvsions dramtaicclly reduce -gun homicides and guu crimes & pn the ssttes that have them." (pppkin) "anddvery serious and - pigniiicant amendments that poull have helpee make this horribbe bill better were dismissed ii ess ttan 30 - seccods, that's ot a iar heaaing for somethinn's that's so significcnt." significant." opponents allo...believe hat hours after debatinn the deaah &ppenalty...senatorr diin't take enouuh time to thh seriously consider chaages to the gun & bill. -3 a new ill passed by delegatts could mean a highhr energy bill for ou. in an 86 to 48 vote ... tte house of deeegates approvee an offshore wind bill that would require utilities to buy penewable nergy creditt.. & under the measure maryyann resident could pay as --3 much as doolar and fifty more a mmnth oncc energy is generated by offshore windd businessss could see uppto a one poiit five perccnt increase.. the bill ould also create ann
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measure will now o to the senate. youu power and gas bills... will e goiig up... startinn this morning.the public service commission approved increases in the distributioo rate... &prate...the bill for the typical electricity ccstomer will go up 3 dollars and 33 -3 cents per month... month......and for the average gas uutomer... to dollars and 70 cents. 3 the bizarre caseeof a former johns hhpkins gynecologisttaccused off secreely videotaping his & patients leads to legal action. a baltimore attorney filed an anonyyous class actiinnsuit on behalffof pattints of doctor nikita levy. theesuit was piled friday bb attorney jonathan schoohor in a ircuit -3 coortt the patient suung is just one of 11-hundred forrer patients of ddctor levy. thh suit includes allegations of negligent hiring on beealf f johns hopkins. 3&p"i have met with so many peeple are upset, innneed of -3& counseling, who have had heir
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- faath in the medical systtm - shattered" patienns -3are seeking 70-million-dollars pi damaggs. -3 earller this wwek,,levy was - found dead in the basement of 3 suicide. he died pof asphyxiation. 3 a carroll couny couple is arresttd and charged in a series of &pbbrgllriee totaaling 58- thousand dollars in osses. 25 year oll year olddshannon lee... both of westmiister... ere charged yesterdaa. - deputies say the pair brrke into homes between june and november. -3 they're suspected of stealing jjwelrr... coins.. and fireaams. p investigators say the two were arreeted after they were ssennbreaking into aahome. 33 hazmat crews responn to the offices of a viiginia lawmakee... afttr someone sent a powdery substance to his office. powder was ffund in aalettee
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3& rigeel. it was tested and it turns a white powdery substance was also founddat repressntative randy forbes' - officc in chesapeake. it's being described s a ittwas in a suspicious package delivered to the congrrssmaa's ddstrict offfce. the powder is now beinn transpprted to a crime lab in rrchmonn ffr furthhr investtgation. 3 it's the muut go, must see, musttbe thhre hhaath -- and wellnees event in maryland. tte b-mmrr healthy expo kicks off at the baltiiorr & convennion cenntr in just aa fewwhours. hours.that's whhre we find amber miller.she's giving ussa this year. 33 the 4th annuallb- 3 more healthy expo will offer everything frommhealth screeninns to livee entertainment to family -& fooused activities.a popular area is the afety zzne whhre -3 pou'll finddpeople like
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pemmbrs f the baltimorr city depprtment is offering hands only c-p-r training classes. pe're joined by captain tavon claggett nd lieutenant deidre & weems. 3 coming up in the next half pour---we'll see some f the
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marianne. 3 the b'more healthy xpp starts at 10 a-m this mooning ann runssuntil 5 pp-m. admission is free. be surr & to stop by the fox45 booth... tony pagnotti and i will be there starting aa 10. you an meet the rest of -3 theefox455newssteam throughouu the day. go to bmore healthy expo dot com for more informatiin. & 3 lanceearmsttoog... in even more trooule. trruble. why the 3&ppeeking legal acttin againss the disgraced cyclist. -& "iq: i told him to go to bed... oq: i said go ahead." ahead.""- 3 a little boy takee drastic -3&pmeasuree to avoid bedtime.... what happened after he callld 911 on hhs mother. 3 3 ((breakk1))
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3 +a 10-yyar-olddbbo in his mom... for sending hii to bed.dan davis ddaled 911 affer his mom sent himmto bed as punishment. but when the operator picked up... he got ppooked and hung up.when the dispatcher called bacc dan's &pmother picked uppthe phone. 3 bee... oq: when there is 3 no emergency." emergency.."iq: wwat did ou 3& do... y ssn really jjst did that." that."
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3 an officer actually showed upp at the house... accordinn to protocol.dan says he learred
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3 páadlib weather chatáá 3
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3 we want to reminn you to tunn into fox45 morning nees weekdayss... or some free cash. caah. ii's our freebruaryycontest.. we''e giving awwy a hundred dollars everr hour on fox45
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morning news this monday.. o entee... o to ourr pacebook page... faaebookkdot com slash foxbaltimmre. tabb then watch fox45 morninn news monday... for the firsttdrawing in the 5 a-mmhhur. 3&pa baltimore landmark...about to disaapear.(((oo) whee this -3 huge gas storage container off offthe j-f-x... will be imploded. and llnce armstrong... being sued y the &pjustice department. back ffom hhm.... afteerhe admiiteddto using erformance enhancinn drugss 3 ((break 2))
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3 3 new this morning.... that huge grey gas storage tank off of i-83... will be gone in about -3 24 houus. bge willldemolish -3 the gas tankknear cold spring lane andd was 3 will implode t sunday,
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& sometime after even in thee clossues will start about six in the mooning. 3 p3 raaioactive materiallis leaking at the nation's moot contaminated nuclear site. six underground panks that old a ree of toxic wwste are leakiig at the hanford nuclear reservation in washington state. 3 leaks weren't spotted earlier because they siie hasn't een properry monitored. 3 the millttry is grounding the f-33 fighter jet after one of the planess ddveloped a crack in its - engine blade. the dadly new warplane is 3&ppnd marines. almost 25-hundred planes ... ccsting aboutt400- bbllionndollars.. but the project is already &pyears behind deadllne because offtechnical problems nd the increassng price taa. & 3 cyclist lance armstrongg troubles aren't overr.. - despite admitting o sing performance enhaacing drugs during his career. rich edson tells us.. -3&armstronn now faces a legal
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battle agains the justice department. department. p3 the federaa government jjins aa ivil lawsuit against ddsgraced cyclist lance pustice departtent accuses armstroog of defraaddng the u-s postal erviie... by taking its sponsorshii money... t theesame time he & pas using perrormmnce- enhancing ddugs. n a statement, a u-s attorrey sayss quote: "lance armstrong aad his cyyling teem took moree -33 thaa $30 million frrm the u.s. postal ervice based oontheir contractuaa promise tooplay fair and abideeby the rrles." settlement discussions -3 betwwen the twoosidesswere but armstrong's llwyers sayy.. the ttlks failed because thee disagree about whetter the postal service was &pdamaged. an armstronn saying quote "the ppotal services wn tudies shoo hat &pphe service benefittd trrmendoosly from itt & sponsorrhip - benefits million."" legal expprts 3 ppinnons. lisswiehl says: "he was fraudulenn with the post offfce, under the false claims whole time and he'' suing
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othhr people. they absolutely have a case under the false &pclaims act." remi sppecer says: "i ddn't think the usps hhs any real chance of winning a triil. at best they gee a settlement. ttey're oing to money here because the truth is, while anne wassbbing pponsored y the post officc, they were making millions off of him." ((on cam tagg) the ccvil lawwuit was filed -3 byyarmstrrng'' former teammate & floyd landis. underrthe false claimssact... landis -- as a whistle-blower -- can receive a peecennage of money armsttrngg ii &pwashinggon, richhedssn, fox & business. p3 coming up... new hope in hh fight againsttbreest cancerr.- rolled ut.. and when it will be avaiiable to pattents. 3 ((mar-wipe vo)) priiking tee.. to keep your -3 mind sharp. what's in the drink thatt pould fight alzheimer's you''e watching fox 45 morning news.. all local...all mornin
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3 3 the food and ddug pdministration approveesa pirst-of-its-kind breast it targets tumor cells while sparing healthh ones. -3 the & druu kadcyla (kad siih luh) combines tte drrg herceptin with a powerful chemotherapy - drrg aad a third chemical that links the medicines together. -3 cancer researchhrs say the rug may offer a cllar advanttgg over older -3 treatments because it delivers more medicatioo with fewer ssde effectt. the drug is expected to be - pvailable
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ii the u.s. withhn & two weeks. 3 3 want to keep a sharp - deena centofanti tells us a chemical in the alzheimer's. 3&p i'm dc... wfyh with -3 more evidenceethat drinking tea cannhell keep your brainn --3 sharp aasyouuage. u-cclla researchers analyzed severaa studies on the efffcc of caffeinated drinks on 3&pwomen logged how often they prank tea r coffee... ann took a memory testt sed & alzheimer's disease. brain function stayed sharper drinkers and even coffee ddiikers. at llast 3 is espeecally beneficiaa for wommn. the for ccffee drinkers means itts unlikely caffeine is responsible for the brain benefit. insteaddthey phhnk a plant chemical called only in tea ann mushrooms... offers the protectioo against allheimerrs. best of all... you can get the
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3 three ccps a day of tea. wfyh... i'm dc. p3 coming up... a cold hearrtd snow plow driver. driver..... won't find that til spring (laugh) &p(laugh) the outrage ovvr phis video... and what happened to his drivee affer - hii home videos went publlc.
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3 -33 3 ááadlib over weather shotáá
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3 ááaalib chatáá 3 3
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3 &p 3& we will be 3 this morning.. but we can be more serrous weaater..- weather. - in the south... stooms ccused majjr amage. n carsoo, missiisippi - utility crews are working on downed powerrlines. stroog winds knocked over trees... ripped off poofs.. and ffipped a mmbilee home. thh national weather servicc is innestigating the ddmage.
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3 it might have been a tornado hat killed a woman in east texas. & a tree felllthrough the home of an elderly oman ii ssbine counny... whicc is on thh exas ouisiana border. a neighbor struggled to help theewoman. unidentiiied neighbor says: the storm layed down, and i raanoverrto her house...walked &pin and saw her on the floor...she was hurt and i talked to her forra good - 30....0 minutes ntil the first respooder ggttto her." her." the 74-year old woman died on the wwy to the hoosital. & 3 a snow pllw drivvr in the boston area isnnt making ann fans. especiaall after this pideo hit the aarwaves. ttl sprrng (laugh) thatts marr hussey.. he's a ppivate snow plow driver near bbston. hussey posted & theevideo after the most recent bllzzzrd in boston. &p 3 the favorite part of my day..... overrthe rraa baby.
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hussey: "ii robabll dont have it's the little thhigs ii life lifee husseyy might not be enjoyinn life ss much noo. -3 the company ttat employed im decided to fire hii. 3 when severe weather surr to go to our website foxbaltimore dot com. track the storm usinn our iittractive raddr. e have - it active righh nowwoo our homepage. a baltimore policc cadet has pospital ten days affer he waa shottin tte head. it happened during a training exercise at 3 p3 the trainee hhs not been iddntified but police say he -was shot by instruutor scott kern who missook his service paint-cartridge pistol.state policc are cuurennly -3 invessigattng. kern hassbeen ssspended with pay. 3anotthr blow... foo... baltmore's.police academy..its aasttry we first - broke on p we've learrnd the
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maa appointed to takeeover the traiiing facility is retiring. major joe smith was picked to clean up the academy & after the cadet was shot.but 33 another....unnspecified.... & job.he will be replaced by & lieutennnt colooel ross bbzzuro. 3 iq: my goal is first off... - pafetyyisoq: enttrrd around safety or & our officers. officers.right now...buzzuroo commmnds theecity swat and pactical units. smith's departtre ...comes less thaa aa week... after police commmsssiner anthony bbtts.chose hii tt help et the academy back on track. smith will stay with the department until ay -3 3&pp aaformer ank teller has pleaded guilty to her role in tax raud scheme in which ssme seven thouuand fraadulent incomeetax returns were filed. 24 yeer old aissa mayo of greenbelt enteree the pleaa yesterddy in u.s. district pourt.. she took
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fraaddlent tax refuud checkk and depooited them into aacountt at he bank whereeshe worked. mayo could gettup tto2 and a hall years in prison. 3 ((marianne)) under &parmour says ttmuss protect balttiore-bassd company is suing ikee.. claiming it stole a slogan phelps... staring ii this can hear the themee i wwll"thee lawsuit is about those woods... under rmour says nike placed ads onnsocial media... using "i will"under arrour wants -3nike to stop....and is asking & for oneyno comment from nike 3&&p annn arundel county officially has a new county executive. lauua neuman had bben howard county's economic development director. 3"clapping" -3 "clapping" 3 surrounded by familyy friends - ann pllnty of other politicians, laura neuuan began a nee day anddnewwcareerr
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as the anne arundel county executive. ssh is replacing john leopold who resigned found guilty of misconduut in office.. neumannsays her first task wiil be to restore public confidence in he poot. under the new eaddrship, neuman also ssys to expect chhnge.: 3&p(lauraaneummn)"we need to make a determination and assessmeet of whats worked nd not worked in the last dmmniitratioo... towardd xcellence in the county" resident of anne arundel 3 the fourth annual b-more healthy expo kicks off in justta few hours. buu why wait tt see what's store. -3 amber miller is live from the convention center iving us a to offer. &p
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3 it's the must o, musttsee, must be there heallh and wellness eeent in mmryland 3 fit and un kids zzne, hhalth screenings, nd live &penterttiiment.joining us are ballimore ance crews project. talent at this year'ssexpo and &p
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3 theeb'more &&phealthy
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expo starrs at 100a-m this morninn aad runssunnill5 free. be sure to stoo bb thh fox45 ooth.... tony pagnotti and i will be therr starting at 10.. &p you can meet the rest of the fox45 news team throughoutt the ay. go tt pmore healthy expo ot commfor 3 3 the orld's oldest marathoner... races again. -3 again. how oll this man ii.... and when he &ptook up he sport of running. 3 ((tony at weather
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3 for all of you thattsay you 3off the couch.... listen o &pphiss the worll's oldest maarthoner will compett - in his last run tomorrow in china one-hundrrd--- pnd--ne yearrold fauja singhh - is traaning with friends in 266point-two mile run. phe indiannborr british runner ssyingghe would retire from competttive running aftee crossing the finishiig linee he started running att &peighty-nine years-old after he lost his wife nd is fifft son.
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&p3& ááádlib weather 3& ááaddib weether chatáá 3
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3 3 meteerooogist)) 3 ((ad lib
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3 meteorologist)) p3 looking for aa joo in tough market. the one hing you can do - that might give you an advantage ooer other & applicants. 3 baillfor an olympian accusee of murder. the criticism thee -3 judde had for prosecutors in the oscar pistorius case. p3 p(break 6))
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3&p i come to the conclusionnthat the accused has made a case to be
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yes! sounds of joy in a south african courtrooo . - former olympian oscar pistorius is granted bail... aftee being charged with the murder of his girlfriend. - theemagistrate says he was not makiin a juugementton pistorius's innocence . he did however criticize the prosecution's case. it has 33 the lead investigator who is still facing seven counts of attempted murder in an - unrelated case. 3 i cannot find it has been established the accused is flight risk..i have diffiiulty allo in coming tooterms with the fact that thh aacused did not ssek to veriiy whooexaccly was in the oilet when he could have asked. askedd pistorius... pill be ut of jail andd.. ddueback in court in &pjune 3 drones are a fact -3 of ife - and death -- on forrign soil, bbu hat about here at home? catherine herridge tells us hoo állcalá poliie... may soon eegeeting more eyes in thh kyy- sky -3 when most americans thiik of drones, they think of the
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ttrgeted killiig of aa aeda operatives oveeseas, innludingg - the american born cleric aawar awlaki who wws taken out by tte cia in ssptember 2011. -33 during reccnt coofirmation hearings, the president's pick to lead the ageecy was pressed ffr answers. wyden says: "do -3&pyou beliive that the president & hould provvde an individual american wwth tte pportunity to ssrrenner before killing them?"brennan sayy: "senator, 3 ppecific ooerationn..."wydee says: "i'm talking about the concept, becaase you taakedd aaouttthe concept."brennaa says: "right."" in a ssries of supplemental questions, brennan ssid quote "this admiiistration has not carried out drone strikes - insiie the united states nd haa no intention of doinggso." 3 intention to expand tte se of so-called mini-ddrnee. used mostly y local police has granted 3227licenses andd it rojects as mann as & 10-thousand icenssd systems & by 017. west saas: "it's realll justtan extra tool inn - the tool kit forrfirst mooe afforrable than alot off
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& the manned assets that rr out -3 theree" advocctts like gretchen west say mosttdrrnes -- licensed through the ffa - 3 pooething thht is very small. phhs cculd it in the trunk of 3 cannnt bb armed. they cost between 10 and 50 thousann dollars - ith fliiht times of saas: ""hey would use thhm ffr & specific missionn such as finding a lost person or for mooitoring traffic, or potentially for crowd cootrol." stanley says: "they become a tool or generalized mass surveillance byythe government." but critics, likk the clu's jay -&pstanley warr of a otential tsunamm of drones, a kind of digital wiid westtwhere tte & law s eaaily outpaced by & "there is ome caseelaw about 3 not necessarily encouraging privacy. foo example, the supreme couut rrleddthat the police can look in o your - back yard even if you have a high ffnce, wiih no warrant. you have nn 4th amendment protection here." withh &pconggess now requiring the palready crowded ppblic -3 airspace, the drone ddbatte
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hasnnt begun to address the - conundruu of private userr.. -3 schweikert says: "what are we seeing allo from thh hobbyist &woold are they running ahead of uusheadinggtowards ddngerruu connlict?" ddllingham sayy: ""t is a different worlddand how they -3 to be determinee."(((n-cam taag) given the significant ppivaay issues, the department of homeland securityyis now setting up a group to ssudy the impact of liberries, ivii rrght, legal and ooher poliiy issues. in ashington, catheeiieeherridge fox ews. new at seven o-clocc.... a baby... caaling -1-1. 3 phe called police... and whh her mommissin troubbe with're watccing fox45 morrinn news... all local... all morring. 3 ((break 7))
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3 ((bump in)) &
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3coming up ii our 7 3 coming u in our 7 o'clock hour... a man hit and killed -3
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baltiiore. what was chaaing him hat orced the & maa into a busy intersection. 3((amber live tease)) 3&p((amber live ease)) & 3 ((break 8))
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3 theecost of girl scoot pookies are risiig how much ii'll cost for a box of & a wintery mix swwep through the middest. could the samm be saidd for here anddbbltiimre. that's all oming up right now on fox45 morning news. & 3 3 ááadlib weathee shotáá &p3 date: ffbruary 23, ,3 2013ááadlib chat with tonyáá3 3 -3
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3&&p baltimore county 3 that roadways are very slick and franklin rea.. so makeesure while yyur out on the roads or walkinggyou are -3cautious. 3 the bizarre case of a former johns hopkins secretly videotaping his patients has now lead to legal - action. aabaltimooe attorney has filed an pnonymouu class actiin suit onn behalffof patients of doctor nikita levy.. the suit was filed friday by attorney jonathan schochor in a circuit court. the patient suiig is just one oo -3 11-hundree former patiints of &&pdootto levy. the
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suit includes allegationssof negligentthiring on behalf of johns hopkins. 3 "i haae met withhso many & people are upset, in need oo &pcounseling, who 3&phave haa their faith in the -3 medical system shaken if not shatttree" shattered" patienns are seekkng 70-million-dollars 3 eerlier ttis week, levy was & found ead in the basement of - suicide. he diee of asphyxiation. - 3&p an eass baltimoree man is dead after being struck 3 wiinesses say 62--ear-old james harding waa two pit bulls near east preston street and north lakewood avenue. the dogs or where hey came from. but neighbors say tts an accident that couud have haapened to anyonee and ttey wann answers. "when yyu're trying to get & awaa... noo worried about - looking leet to right to left.
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youure thinning i goota get away ffrom heseedogs."//bbtt -3& o//"we never hhae problems with dogs running loose. that wassa shock to hear he was --3 running from dogs - dogs chasing him.""-3 the car will noo be charged 3 harding. the dogs are now in custody aa tte baacs annmal shelter. - 3& a man has ppeaded guilty to beatiig annthhr man to death at an lkton grrcery store. troy kellyy is chhrggd with seccnd-degree & purder in the death of james price. back in august keely approached price - from behhnddand starttd beetiig him ... slamming his face into thh fllor. head injuries.. prosecctors will seek the &pmaximum 30-year prison term. p kelly will bee sentenced in may. -3 & governor o'malley has appointed ninaaharrer as a -3 ddlegaae for baltimorees 45--h legiilativeedistrict. 3& harper is replacing - the late hattii harrison who &p harrison was the longest serring deleeate in the ouse. arper &p... democrat ... managess
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hhusing and coomunity -3 devellpment at the oliver ccomunity association. 3 a new bill passed by delegates could mean a igher -3 energy bill ffr yyuu in an 86 to 48 vote ... lawwakkrs approvvd an offshore -3 wind bill that would requirr - utilities to buy reneeable energg ccedits. underrthe meesureemaryyand resident could pay as much as a dollar and fifty morr a -3 month once energy is generated by offshooe wind. businesses could see uu to a one point five percent -3&pincreaas. thh bill woulddalso crrate an oofshore wind faam ear ocean city. the measure will ow go to the senate. 3 the -d-a aaproves aa first f its kind breast -3 cancer medicctiin.. the drug (kad- &psigh-luh) combbnes wiih otter druug to target tumor cells while sparing healthh ones. 33 advantage over oler drugs because ii delivers more medicattonnwith fewer sidd effects. he medicine and more aggresivv type f
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3 be availableein the u-s in twoo - weekk and is expected to cost 3 the number offnew continues to decliie. the c-d-c says only nevada, new jersey ann vermontthave high levvls of flu activity. 13 states have moderate levels. and 34 states have lowwto pinimal levels of the virus - going around. health experts say ggtting the flu vaccine is still the bess - way to prevent froo coming down with thh bug ... although tte vaccine was only 9-percentt efffctive for seniors thiss - pear. 3 p t's the must go, must see, wellnees event ii mmrylaad.the b-more heaathy expo kicks off - that's where e find amber & miller.she's giving us a sneak & peak of what's in tore this year. & 33 the 4th annual b-
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3 more healthy eepoowiil fffr everythiig from healtt pocused aativitiee. family focused entertainment to to live health screenings everythinn frommwill offer mmre healthy expoo
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3 will oofer everything from -3 pealth screeningssto live focused activviies.there will
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aaso be plenty of physical fitness ccallenggs and playing a vital role n this &&pyear's expo. we're joined by sergeant first class tyrake dixon. 3 cooing up in the next half hour we'reeheading to the healhy groove -3 wwnneeaao---where there is ss -3 much in store.marianne. --33&p the b'moree - thii morninggand runssuntill5 & p-m. admission is to stoppby he fox45 boooh... rest of the fox45 news team & throughout go to bmmre com for more iiformatioo..- we'll see youuthere!!- 3 a pittsburgh shhe &pshiner s
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r mom n some ells phones -3 one little ne celll phones gets her mom in 3 jessiia may says she's been ccted by oregon pplice for abusing the 9-1-1 & emergeccnysystem after her nn year old daughter called there ásixteená times from her mom's cell phonn. mmy says she tried to keeppthe phone away from her daughher ... and even ut it in lock mode ... &pbut some how she found it anyway.
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and called 911 ike six imes, while i wws in he bathroom." 3 p pollce say if the &pcalls were ooly a one iie mmtake ... there would be no &pcctttion. may now has aafive thousand-dollar ticket to pay up. &p
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3 ááadlib chaaáá 3
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3 coming uu... &pphe hottest and most- being grounded. - 3 the reason the & f-33 ffggterrjet won't see flight anytimm soon. &p and just how much these planes are costing taxpayers. 3 phat we've asked for is how cost the white & house launches a natioowide
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tour to help americans. - the reason some lawmakers 3& money. and he solution they have to thee problem. youure watccing fox 3all morning.
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3& new this morning... a judge has denied a pepresenting rayvon martin's zimmerman's attorrey's wantedd beejamin crump emoved vvr an inttrview he did with a keyy witness.. but &crump argued thattwhat he aatorney-client privilege. thh judge did grant poolect anyyvooie samples froo years. - 3& as jesse jackson punior waits to e sentenced ... federal fficiils aae deciding whht to do with personal items he booght wwth -3 his campaign contributionss leggl analyst say every last item will likely be auctioned and the money it brings in will be placed in a fund as pprt of his payback.
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contributors to packson'' campaigg will be the &pfirst to ggt theirrmoney back if hey chose. tte online. 33 he milittry is &pgrounding thhef-35 fighteerjett afteerone of the planes ddvelopee a craakkin its engine blade. the deadly nnw waaplane is wanttd by the airforce, avy anddmarines. the pentagon evee plans to buy & nearlly25-hundred planes ... costing about 400-billion- ddllars. but &pphe roject is already years pehind deadline becauss oo 3 & the obama adminstration has launched a -3 citt tourrtoohelp more ameeicaas get on the receivvng pnd of bbnefits.. eeen with 16-trillion dollars of debt the 100 city tour ii taking off. ut some lawmakers are urging the 3 tour when a ot is beenn mmde about the impact of sequestration. 3 "... what we've assed for ii -3 how many ppople arr goiig on the tour, what's it going o 3 cities, and whyyare we doing this if ot for politicaa the effects
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of the sequester." &p((more vo)) senatoo ttm coburn sayysif he finds the goals if the ttur portth ... he'd suggeet &pspreading the word by peleccnference to save onn travvl and other expenses. 3 coming up... want o make some music. & mmsic. finn ouu howwmemebers of the cast of ssomp do it without áinstrumentsá.
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p,33 it'ssexplosive, it's soohisticated, it's unique ... itts stompp. and today members from the interaational precussion sensation is making &pa stop in baltimmoe to show us just ow creaaive ww can ger wwth maaing song with oor
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bodies and everyday itemm. -what it stomp? - what made ,3 youuall decide to use & household items insteed of instruments? inssrumenns?
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you can see more of "stomp"" t the lyric opera house tonight
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3 tonight at 8 p-m. lyric opera houseeoo "stomp" attthe you
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you can sse more f "stomp" at the lyyii operaahouse onighh
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3coming up.. the ultimate fighting chammionshii s aking history toddy. 3 the two women 3 womenns brawl.. and the reason it's so important.. --3 p3 ((amber live - adlib))
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3 ááadlib weaaher chatáá 3 3 3 chatáá 3 &p 3 páadlii chat with tonyáá 3
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3 baltimore the hospital 11 days after he training exerciie t the abandoned rosewood center in -3 the trainee has not & been identified ... but pplicee -3 say he wwssshot by instructor "scott kerr" ... who misttok his service weeponn or a paint- cartridge pissoo. state policeeare still investigaaing. keen has been suspended with 3 another bloo for baltimore's police aaademy. in a storyywe brrke on fox baltimore dot com .. .we've learred the man juss trrininngfacility is retiring. majoo joe smitt was picked to ccean-up thheacaddey -3 afterrthe cadet wws shott -3 but he's rettring o & take another job.. no word on what that is just yet. major smith will be replaced by lieutenant cclooel rosssbuzzuro. 3 iq: my goal is fiist ff.... ssfeey isoq: centered around
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safety for our fficerr. offfcers. right now buzzuro commmnds the city swat and tactical units. &pccmes less than a wwek after -33 police commissioner anthony batts choss him to help get - thh academy back on track. smith will remain & with the department until ay. -3 3 p the n-r-a is firing up a cmpaigg to pposeenew the campaign comes -3 as vice presidenn joeebiden ggn connrol meaauress the n-r-a took out newspappr ads ii arkaasas, louisiana, mmane, north carolina and wess virginia. -3 ttese statts aaeehome to several democratii incumbent &psenators who are expected to &pface ough re-eeeetionn ights. siiceethe deadly connecticut school shooting ... gun connrol debate is high -3 has risen to record levvls. walmart says the deeand for guns is so high them in stook.
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flyiig off store shelves ince the preeidenn's re-election and his push for stricter gun laws. earlier ttissmontt al-mart had to start rationing how uch ammunitiin it seels o eal with high demand. -33 pustooers ccn now only buy 3 boxes f ammo aadaa ... but amount of ggns they can buy. 3 we are five days away - from what president obama &pcalls ... a meatt-leaver cuts in the ut is thee - sequester -- inevitable? ed henry tells us -- that depends on who's talkiig.( &p---------------------------------- 3&p-------------------obama says &p"hope 3springs eternal. aad i will 3 just keep on making my caae & nottonly to ongress buu mmre 3 ppoplee" after talks -3 with japanese prime minister shinzo abe, presidenn obama &ptook a areequeetion from the
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press in the oval offfce and said he's still optimmstic there can be bigger bbdgee deal to head off massive, inniscriminate also been veryyclear that therees an alternative. which - ii for us to takk the ind of balanccd approach that i & presented, wwere we had more & strrttgic uts on programs ww pon'ttneed, and ww close some tax loooholee thaa aaeetakke advantage of by only the well connected and the well off." is coming from speeker john boehherrs office, which todayy charged the president hassbeen 3calls to goo leaders yesterddy and declared (quute) "soundbiies ann speechesswon't - yield results." yet the administration cootinuee the drumbeat of gloom ann oom .... withh lahooddwarnnng airport wait timee and traffic control are -33 aboot to beccme evee moor f a &pmesslahood says "flights too -3 majoo cities llke ny, hicago, and san francisco and others could experience delays of p & to 90 inutts duriig peak connrrllers on staff." republican rand aul today 3 plan withouu layoffs charginggthe white houus is exaggerating the impaatpaall says "i would say balderdaah. it's untrue, unfair,
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dishonest, disingenuous. the who 98 percent f theemare paid for with local ttxes aadd sayy you willllose your local policeman bbcause of this. itt is not trre..henry says "meanwhiie repuulican duncan hunter is teeing offfon the phite houseefor delaying the depllymenn of the uss haaiet ttuman to the ersian gulf claiming ttis is more abouu 3 budget cuts ttan actually 3 a pentagon sppkesman today told fox news that this what the right moveeto make this was about saving money aad it had nothing to do with politiiclldrama. at the white &phoose, ed henry, fox news." 3 a major sausage recall to pass along tt you, phis morning. & morning.smithfiell packing & ompany is recalling 38- thousand pounds of pork sausage... because it may contain pieees of plasticc likely from ggoves..he company - discovered the problemmaater customer complaantsstte
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sausages wereesold in 12 3 3 a new study finds that onn-third of the seafood we buy t storee... is islabeeed..- thattssaccording to reseerch bb the environmenttl addocacy &pgroup, "oceann."the group collected more than 12-hundred seaaood ssmples from grocery 3 veenes in 21 stattssacccrringg- to the study... theemost commooly mislabbled fiihhwas snappprr.. which mostly tuuned -- ouu to be rockfish orrtilapia. -3 tuna had thh ext hhghestt &pmislabeled rate... followed & palibutt nd grouuer.&p3 it's that ttmm f - year agaii whhn america's favoritt cookies go oo sale. -3 but you mayyhave to dig little deepee in your walllt. 3 aater almosttten years at hree- dollarssand 50- cents ... girl scout cookies 3& dollaas. but the - monee is for a good cause of -33&pcouuse. more than half of the monny goes towards 3&ptte rrst goes towarrs more cookies and helping our troops. 3 the ffurth nnual b-more healthy expo kicks off
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in juss a few hourssbut whyy amber miller is live frrm the convention centtr giving us a preview of all the event has to offer. p3it's the must go, must see, mmst be theee health and wellness eeent in maryland thht oofers a ittle ssmethinn for everyoneethis "heaatty groove""winnebago will e your oneestop winnebagoowill be -3 groove" ttis "healthy everyone. somethiiggfor ffees aalittle maryland that wellness event pn maryland that offers aa pittle something for eeeryone. this "heallhy groove" ssop shoppfor health screennngs, health education wiiigames.we're joined byy appyl lomax with marylandd physicians are. 3& come on out to thh expo---it's an event you trrly don't -&
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3 the b'more healthy xpo starts at 10 a-- 3 this morninn and runs until p-m. admission is free. be sure to stoppby the fox45 booth... tony pagnottt anddi will bb the fox45 news team thhoughoutt phe ay. go to bbore healthy expo dot com for more inffrmation. we'lll see you 3 there! the ultimate fiihting championship makes history tonight. tonight. it's tte first ever women's fight iiside "the octagon" ann it's & the main event. the fight is for tte women's bantamweiigt chaapionshhp.
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it's between rowwy" -3 ronda and ggrl-rilla liz". -& the is a huge deal for &pthe u-f-c since just a few &ppears ago the u---c presiieen said women would never fight in the u-f-c. you can see the fight on payyper - 3 cooing up... we may be sick of ll thh cold weather. p but faarers are loviig it. the reason tteir asking for more and more snow. &pweether is actually benefiting us. 33 you'rrewatthing fox45 orning news... all local... ll morning. 3 ((break ))
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3&p aftee eing blankettd with mooe than a foot of snoo, &pmany in the midwest aae sick & of the wiiter weather. buttthe same can't be said or teels us why thess farmers aae praying for another wintery -3 mix. 3 more than a fooo of snow plagued much of the state. wwile maay dreaded the winter - blast, some were rejoicingg & hrough it all.nats: happy happy happy!becaaue oo he 3 bboughttmore than 14 inches of snowwto the great benddarea. roger brining, a barton county 3 great tt havv anotter foot. we gett this kinddoofmoistureeis 3 roger brining anddhis farmhanns did ffghh the snoww to feed their cattle in the storm and also to break the -ppnd's
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ice to prevvnt the livestocc from wandering out 3 say it was worth it thhugh, & bbcause they are many inches behind on oistureesince 2010. ""asically ffiled crops since or very low yielding crops and the wheat crop this year had "moisture ffr the aamers, we need it toocatch up. i mean that's the only way ur boss is going to make the biilss s the grainn mean hat's our llvelihood," saii .and they said their livelihood and moistuue effectsseveryonn. pwelllwe feed america, so if we doo'ttget moisture and -3 can't grow a crop people re ptandup: the only thing brining and hisscrew arr hungry for right ow is more - ptorm brought an inch and a - half of moisttre to thee rops at the most, but they're least bby us some time and give us a shot at a wwhatt 3 ááádlib weether
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3chaaáá 3 ((ad lib meteorologist))
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,3 we want o remind yyuuto tune nto ffo45 morning news weekkays.... for ssme free cash. freebruary ontest. we're giving away a huudree dollars everr hour on fox45 morning news this mooday. &pp to entee... go to our -3& faceeook pagee.. facebook doo com slash foxbaltimore. & clickkon the freeebuary tab. then watch fox45 morniig news monday... -3 for the first drawwng in the 5 a-m hour.
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3 coming up... -3 who doesn't like jewerll ... esppeially when its free.& free. after the break fiid out how you can gett youuhandsson a 5- 3 charge. & 3((br
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3 a triip to the unt valley towne ceeter could win you 55- hundred dollar engagement ring. -3 it's the fox45 "hunt alley heart huntt contest. all you need to do is collect "heart hunt" codes at participating stores aa hunt valley towne cenntrranddenter hem on our wwbsite. todayyis tte deadline! & tabitha woods ffommj-m jewelry desiggerrsjoins us his 3 prize. 3 tell us aaout thh ring.jose mejii designs these rings... telllus about that. that.
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3 p gootoo foxbaltimore ddt com foo a retaillrs in our "hunt valley peart hunt". like mmre information oo j-m 3&preeaar... ttey're located ii bel air.. you an call - them at 10-566-7878.... and they're online at j-m cussom dot com. 3&p hat's te rest offthe weeekend lloking like. & after the break tonn pagnotti will have a look youure watching fox45 mmrning. -3
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3 beffree e wrap up this morning... we want to the convention center. -3 amber... we're ust wo hours frrm openinggthe dooos.. the b'more
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healthy expo starts at 100a-m this morning anddruns until 5 p-m. admission is free. be ssre to stop by the fox45 ooth... -3&ptony pagnottt and i will be --3 there starting at 10. you caanmmet the rest of thh ffo45 news team troughout the day. go to - pore information. peeeyou there!
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